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Young children tend to be concrete thinkers. They cannot think in abstract ways. They need active, participatory learning that uses their senses. They need to touch, feel and participate in experiences. With that in mind, our curriculum includes hands-on materials to learn mathematical concepts.The emphasis in our classroom is not on the answer. It is on how the child gets the answer. We believe that math in the early years prepares a child for logical and critical thinking, not for memorizing mathematical facts. Math in a young child’s life, especially his early years, deals directly with shapes, patterns, and spatial relationships he experiences within his environment. In addition to our beautiful materials, we include math in our everyday experiences to master concepts.Counting how many cars they are playing with, cooking together and counting and measuring ingredients are examples of living math we promote at VivaKids. Children absorb these experiences and this information into their brain making it ripe for further developing and nurturing.


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(503) 407-5447

Open Hours

M-Th: 8:15am - 5pm
Fri: 8:15am - 4pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

