We love what we do

Practical Life

Practical Life

Children love to help, participating in activities that have to do with looking after themselves and their environment! We provide child size tools to help them succeed. Once our students have mastered some skills, they will become more and more independent.
Here are some practical life skills our Viva kids are encouraged to perform:

• Plant care: watering the plants, dusting the leaves, planting seeds…

                        • Food preparation: washing vegetables, beating eggs, peeling and slicing fruit, squeezing orange juice, pouring water to drink from a small jug…

               • Mealtimes: setting the table, washing dishes, measuring ingredients, helping to add ingredients, stirring…

                   • Cleaning: sweeping, dusting, wiping spills…

• Learning to care for themselves: blowing nose, brushing hair and teeth, washing hands…

• Dressing themselves: fastening velcro shoes and/or tying shoelaces, putting on a coat…

Practical life activities are meant to be fun!
Children learn to take responsibility in the classroom, feeling like a part of their community by being able to contribute.
Collaboration creates connection!
Our students are always learning new skills, creating independence and a feeling of self reliance.
Practical life skills help children to care for themselves, care for others and care for their environment.


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(503) 407-5447

Open Hours

M-Th: 8:15am - 5pm
Fri: 8:15am - 4pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

